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Walk with Rainbow Families at the Pride Parade!

  • 06/08/2019
  • 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • We Will Live Stream our Location on: @OurRainbowFamilies Facebook


Registration is closed

Calling all Pride Parade-goers! 

Updated Info as of 6/4/19

Our beautiful families, prospective parents and allies will be together to show our pride, and remind everyone how LOVE MAKES A FAMILY.   Please come -  enjoy the fun - bring red-wagons for the kids -  let's have a great turnout "Now More Than Ever"

NEW THIS YEAR - We will LIVE STREAM  around 3pm-4pm, so you'll know exactly where to find the group!    This will be on our public Facebook page  @OurRainbowFamilies   

We will line up in the GREEN ZONE on 23rd, between 3:30 and 4:00pm.   Again, look for details on our FB page.  We're TOLD we should depart at 4:30pm.

If we exceed the permitted number of walkers, Adoptions Together have invited our families to join them, and they will be lined up very close to us.

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Rainbow Families DC tm

5614 Connecticut Ave NW #309

Washington, DC 20015-2604

P: (202) 417-8897   


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