Secret Servicers & RFDC

11/16/2023 12:59 PM | Anonymous member

Last month, the Secret Servicers DC, a long-standing kickball team with Stonewall Sports, hosted a drag brunch fundraiser for Rainbow Families at El Rey restaurant in DC. The Secret Servicers DC have been a very generous supporter of Rainbow Families DC.

Team member and Drag Brunch host Julian Esain says, “We selected Rainbow Families as our charity given the hostile current climate in the US regarding the LGBTQIA+ community and the increase in limiting their representation in familial/childhood settings. We reject and combat the idea that members of the community are incapable of developing a safe and supportive home for children, seeing as we have been doing it for ourselves for generations. We are excited to partner with Rainbow Families as they continue to provide resources, support and build communities for all kinds of families in all colors of the rainbow.”

The October Drag Brunch raised over $4,000 to support Rainbow Families and we are truly grateful.