• 07/31/2018 11:28 AM | Anonymous member

    The Discovering Gender Project  based in Virginia is currently shooting a visual story-telling project to highlight (and advocate for) the humanity of gender non-conforming/transgender individuals through a combination of photography and personal narrative.     They are currently recruiting gender non-conforming (in identity/presentation) individuals that are interested in helping educate, empower, and encourage others by sharing their own unique stories and images across a variety of digital and/or print platforms. It is the mission of the Discovering Gender Project to showcase gender non-conforming/transgender individuals from all walks of life in a positive, humanizing, and uplifting way.

    Click to find out more about they are and what they do

  • 07/23/2018 5:28 PM | Anonymous member

    Rainbow Families have been offered a great opportunity to attend the DC Premiere of The Miseducation of Cameron Post

    FilmRise, ProSocial, and Born Perfect invite you to the Washington, D.C. premiere of THE MISEDUCATION OF CAMERON POST, starring Chloë Grace Moretz as a teenage girl who is forced into conversion therapy by her conservative family. Post-screening Q&A with Chloë Grace Moretz, director Desiree Akhavan, and Mathew Shurka, conversion therapy survivor and co-founder of the Born Perfect campaign.

    Monday, August 6
    6:30 p.m. – Doors Open   |    7:00 p.m. – Film Begins     |    8:30 p.m. – Discussion / Q&A

    Landmark E Street Cinema

    This invitation is non-transferable. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to theater capacity. For questions, email jake@prosocialconsulting.com  


  • 07/20/2018 4:45 PM | Anonymous member

    Visit the Newseum for Free  

    Museum Day is an annual celebration of boundless curiosity hosted by Smithsonian magazine. Participating museums and cultural institutions across the country provide free entry to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket. The Museum Day ticket provides free admission for two people on Saturday, September 22, 2018.

    Tickets will be available for the public to download beginning at midnight on August 15, 2018.

    The Newseum is open from 9:00 to 5:00 and participants are free to arrive and depart whenever they like.

  • 03/20/2018 5:07 PM | Anonymous

    Don't Miss Out! PEP Classes at the Rainbow Families Conference

    Rainbow Families is proud to be partnering with the Parenting Encouragement Program (PEP) to bring several of their parenting classes to our 2018 Conference for LBGTQ+ Families. PEP sessions will include the following:

    Power Tools for Power Struggles

    Frequent power struggles, whether between adults or between parents and children, impact relationships. Learn what happens when a conflict develops and gain some insights into redirecting that energy in ways that tend to solve problems and bring people closer.

    Good Fences: Happy Families: Limit Setting for Young Children

    Behavioral limits help young children learn to go to bed on time, pick up after themselves and get along with others. Limits also provide security, order and an understanding of the way the world works. Learn techniques to build and uphold firm and friendly boundaries.

    Raising I Can Kids

    A child’s “I Can Quotient” is Betty Lou Bettner and Amy Lew’s term for a more useful measure than the traditional IQ. It includes the qualities that predict a child’s ability to thrive in life. Learn strategies to increase your child’s sense of feeling connected, capable, competent and courageous.

    Positive Discipline

    Move away from punishment and toward using encouragement, consequences, limits and agreements, for an approach to discipline that stimulates cooperation and self-restraint.

    Problem Solving with Teens

    Sometimes guiding our teens can seem like a wrestling match, with both parent and teen feeling like losers. Gain the necessary skills to help your teen discuss and solve problems in a positive way by focusing on long-term goals, determining who owns the problem and encouraging resilience.

    Managing Stress and Pressure

    With so much to do, achieve and accomplish, children of all ages can get squeezed out of spontaneous play, exploration and daydreaming. And parents wonder how to keep their family connections strong and vital when schedules are packed and downtime is scarce. Examine common stress triggers and learn strategies to lower the pressure and help children achieve balance.

    These are just some of the workshop sessions you have to look forward to at our 2018 Family Conference for LBGTQ+ parents and prospective parents.  Learn more about PEP by CLICKING HERE



  • 03/03/2017 2:18 PM | Anonymous

    JOIN THE RAINBOW FAMILIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS! Rainbow Families is pleased to announce that it is seeking several new members for its Board of Directors for the July 2018 to June 2020 term. This is a terrific opportunity to bring your skills, passion, ideas, and volunteer time to the service of LGBTQ headed households and prospective parents in the DMV.

    You do not need to have children or plan to have children to serve on the Rainbow Families Board! Allies of LGBTQ families are welcomed and strongly encouraged to consider serving on the Board.

    Questions? Email - info@rainbowfamilies.org

    Learn More & Apply by CLICKING HERE.

  • 10/10/2016 11:40 AM | Anonymous

    Since the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in June 2015 that brought Marriage Equality to the entire United States, numerous cases have been brought and heard before courts at all levels throughout the country with implications for LGBTQ parents and their children.

    On Oct. 4, 2016, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, the state's highest court, ruled, "The parenting rights of a mother in a same-sex relationship extends even when the couple is unmarried and the mother has no biological connection to the children."

    From an article in the Boston Globe, "Partanen and legal analysts said the ruling extends her parental rights while protecting her children’s rights to claim two parents, regardless of their marital status. It will allow Partanen to claim the children on legal paperwork, such as for insurance benefits, and it means she will be required to pay child support. It will also allow her to be listed on the children’s birth certificates."

    CLICK HERE to read an article on the Court's ruling and HERE.

    CLICK HERE to read the Full Decision from the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts.

  • 09/01/2016 10:31 AM | Anonymous

    Rainbow Families offers a Maybe Baby series twice a year designed for prospective parents, singled or partnered, who are considering parenthood and interested in learning more about the options for building a family.

    The Maybe Baby series consist of eight 2 hour sessions over the course of 8 weeks. The sessions will take place on Sunday afternoons from 3-5 PM at Whitman-Walker's Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center.

    The series covers a wide range of topics, including readiness, overview of adoption, assisted reproduction, and surrogacy; financial and legal issues; building a support network; decision making as a couple; considerations for single parenting; and the joys and challenges of being an LGBT-headed family. The class is designed to provide a balance of active discussion and sharing, as well as to gain practical, accurate information that helps set the foundation for moving forward.

    Fall 2016 Schedule: 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, & 11/20

    Location: Whitman-Walker's Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center, 1701 14th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009 (Corner of R Street and 14th Street)

    Cost: The cost is $250 per couple, $150 for singles.  

    To register, please CLICK HERE.

    For more information, please email info@rainbowfamilies.org

  • 06/29/2016 9:53 PM | Anonymous

    Tomorrow, Thursday, June 30th at 2pm, DC's Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (located at 901 G St. NW, Washington, DC 20001​) will host a Rainbow Craft and Scavenger Hunt for children ages 0-12 and their families. You can use your detective skills in the children's room on a scavenger hunt to find a heart in every color of the rainbow. After you have collected your hearts, get crafty and create colorful crowns of hearts. A librarian will read stories that celebrate LGBT families.

    Click here to learn more about the event.

  • 06/14/2016 10:17 AM | Anonymous

    Attend a Vigil to Remember the Victims & Survivors

    Numerous vigils to remember the victims and survivors have been scheduled throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Please visit www.weareorlando.org to find a vigil near you. Additionally, you should check with your own faith community or other faith communities in your area as many have organized vigils that are not listed on the aforementioned website. If you find none in your area, take the initiative and organize your own.

  • 05/18/2016 12:36 PM | Anonymous

    Supporting children while they make sense of race can feel overwhelming, particularly for white parents. As young people experience both overt and subtle racism, how can adults learn to effectively support adoptees of color? Following the screening of conversations with adopted tweens and teens of color, visiting author and nationally-recognized adoption educator, Beth Hall, will address questions pertaining to identity development at the intersection of race and adoption, and what all adoptive parents need to know about birth/first families.

    Adult-only event. ASL/English Interpretation Provided.

    Special thanks to the evening's co-sponsors: Human Rights Campaign, Rainbow Families, Commonwealth Academy & Pact: An Adoption Alliance.

    Click Here to Register!